One of the simplest ways to search engine optimize your blogger or blogspot template is to play around with your blog titles. If you're using a blogger hosted blog then you will notice that on your individual pages the homepage blogger title is displayed first and your individual post title is displayed second. This is particularly bad for SEO purposes because the homepage title of your blog will always appear before your individual page title in the results.
If you're using a K2 Modify blogger template then here's how you SEO your blog title:
Go to 'layout' > 'edit html > search for this set of codes
Now your blog will show "Title of Your Page: Title of Your Blog" instead of "Title of Your Blog: Title of Your Page."
It's a simple modification but a very powerful one. Test it out and tell me what you think!
How to Put Comment Form at the End of Blogger Post
Most of you have noticed by now that Blogger has the option of displaying the comment form at the end of your blogspot post. This feature is much more convenient and user friendly than the old style where when you click on the comment link it takes you to a different page. If you're using a K2 Modify blogger template than here's how you add this feature to your blog! It's really easy!
1. Go to your blogger user panel > click on 'settings' > click on 'comments' > check 'embeded below post'

2. Click on the 'layout' tab > check 'expand widgets template' > search for these set of codes:

Save your template > You're Done!
It's that simple! Try it out and let me know how it goes!
Rhapsodic Uses a Modified Milk Blogger Template
Rhapsodic contains the ramblings of A-hem. The blog uses a slightly modified version of the Milk blogger template. Simple, Clean, and highly customizable. If you would like to be featured here on K2 Modify all you have to do is pick a template that you like and modify it to your specific needs and tell me about! Thanks A-hem for using my template!

Perceptual Ability Test Uses the Clean Videos Template
The Clean Video blogger template is versatile and Perceptual Ability Test definitely proves that! The owner removed the video header and added a picture in its place which looks great. It's a clean design with endless possibilities.

The Galaxy Express adventures in science fiction romance uses a modified version of the Butterfly Magic blogger template which was one of the very first blogspot templates that I designed! If you would like to be featured here on K2 Modify all you have to do is download one of my templates, modify it to make it your own, and reply to this post!
Freedom Wall uses K2 Modify Blogger Templates
My Freedom Wall owned by Pastilan uses the Blackout Blogger template as the backdrop to his blog. He posts a lot of great pictures on his site and it's worth having a look. Like all K2 Modify blogspot templates, Blackout is free to download and easy to manipulate. If you're using one of my templates and have modified to make it your own please let me know so I can feature you here!

Kitty 3 Column Blogspot Template
Here's a shout out to Kitty Bloggy for using one of my 3 column blogger templates! She has modified it quite nicely! I love the header with the tab navigation bar and the fresh green colour scheme! Can you guess which K2 modify blogger template she used???

PR5 Google Page Rank Update July 2008
Almost a year later and K2 Modify is still going strong! This blog has just been updated from a PR4 to a PR5!!! I just want to take a moment to give a special thanks to those who have been with this blog since the beginning. K2 Modify will not be accepting any more free link exchanges. If you would like to advertise on this site please direct your queries to Although I will not be accepting anymore link exchange, I will still link blogs that are of interest to me especially those that use one of the K2 Modify blogspot templates!
Beautiful Blog Badge - "Compassionate"
At the request of a fellow blogger "Jade," I have created the "Compassionate" blog badge! Remember that all blog badges can be resized to your liking! Are you a compassionate person too? Then display this blog badge proudly on your site as well! Just cut and paste the code in your template and you're good to go!
Free Blog Badge - "Leader"
Are you a leader or a follower? A Blog Badge allows you to display proudly who you are as an individual and what you stand for. If you want a custom blog badge for your blog all you to do is replay to one of the posts indicating what sort of "one word" statement that best describes you. Also, please have a look at some of the blog badges that have already been made below! Be proud of who you are.
Free Blogspot Templates - Gold Video
Gold Video is a 3 column blogspot template that's completely free! In addition, Gold Video is highly customizable. In fact, it is a second generation Basic Black Youtube Blogger Template. To add your desired videos to the blog header, all you have to do is expand template widget and cut and replace the existing video codes with your own. Just make sure you resize your videos to the same dimensions as I have there or it will break the template. Play around with it and make it your own!

Free 3 Column Blogspot Templates, Layouts, and Themes - Dark Dream
Dark Dream is a free 3 column blogspot template that has been tested in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. It is a modified version of the Basic Black Youtube Video andClean Videos layouts. It just goes to show you how versatile the Basic Black Youtube and Clean Videos blogspot themes are. You can easily change the video header and experiment with the background and font colours to personalize your layout until you are satisfied with it! You can even take the video header out completely and replace it with a normal banner header if you so choose.

Pink on Pink 3 Column Blogspot Layout
Pink on Pink is a modified version of the Basic Black Youtube Video blogspot template. The design is simple, clean, and uses a vibrant pink colour palatte. It is easily customizable and have been tested in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. The video header is a great addition to any video blog. You can easily display your favourite videos in no time!

Introducing "Clean Videos" 3 Column Blogger Template
Well it's been awhile since I posted a new K2 Modify 3 column blogspot template. This design reflects on what I'm trying to do with my life at the moment - getting rid of all the clutter and keeping things simple. Clean Videos is a second generation "Basic Black Youtube Template." I've cleaned up some of the code and completely changed it 180 from a black colour scheme to a white one. You can change the video header by simply "expanding template widget" and then cutting and pasting your favourite videos thus replacing the ones I have there. This blogger template is 100% free and I encourage you to play around with it to make it your own!

OK so I've decided to also do a "Green" version of the Clean Videos Blogger Layout... Tell me what you guys think!

Easy way to add Adsense for search into Blogger/Blogspot template
For some odd reason, when I tried to add the Adsense for search box html/javascript code directly into my blogger template xml it would not appear. So I found a really simple hack from Blogger Buster. I've just added a few more screenshots for the xml illiterates (like myself) to make things a lot easier. Here's the easy way to add adsense for search into your own blogger/blogspot blogs right above the first post, just like I have there!
1. Click on the "Layout" tab in your blogger control panel.2. Click the "Edit HTML" link.
3. Scroll down until you see showaddelement='no'
4. Change "no" to yes.
If you click on the "Page Element" link (still inside your "Layout" tab) you will notice "Add a new page element" above your "Blog Post" box has now appeared. Now you can add any page element you want. To add a search box simply choose the html/javascript element and add your code and save. That's it! Simple huh? Adding an Adsense for search box allows your user to easily search your website while giving you another opportunity to make some more money online!