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Monday, May 3, 2010

Art to Items May Week #1 Canidates

Thank you for all of your great artwork for Art for Items! Remember that I will post two items I like every week, and then at the end of the month you vote on the item you think should be in Chobots. So, let's begin with this week's selected items!

First we have a jetpack design by Klsporty.
> hey when you release the game will the names be case sensitive?' (I don't know your Chobots username, so if you are Carol check your email so I can get your Chobots username!)

Next we have a BATHROBE design by 'della68'

So there's your items for the week.

I will talk to you guys next on Tuesday, where I will give you guys a theme (like for example if a theme could be 'Earth' where you guys design items that have to do about the Earth, etc).

So, what is your personal favorite item out of these two?

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